Super Easy Peanut Butter Fudge

I've been trying to write this post since Monday but I have the blogging "mehs." I find that 90% of the time I love WordPress, but the other 10% when I miss Blogger, I miss it hard. Wishy washy? Me? Maybe a little. Do you like my new profile photo? I wasn't happy with the other one. It was too posey and not really me. This one is more like it! Or is there too much tongue? Puppy tongue!

Let's get right to the food then, shall we? Would you like a piece of peanut butter fudge?

This fudge is the BOMB! It's sweet but not too sweet, and it's super peanut buttery and dreamy. I've made it so many times I've lost count. All you need is peanut butter, coconut butter, and maple syrup. That's it. And no messing with candy thermometers! You just need to melt all the ingredients together, pour the mixture into whatever mold you're using, refrigerate and you're done! This amazing recipe is by Ashley of Blissful Basil and you can find it here.

The original recipe calls for maple syrup, but I usually make it with agave and use only one tablespoon. Because of this, I add an extra tablespoon of peanut butter to keep the fudge from getting too hard and dry in the fridge. I also add a teaspoon of vanilla, because I am a vanillaholic, and a pinch of salt because I make it with unsalted homemade peanut butter.

Sometimes this happens:

Just a little bit of melted semi-sweet chocolate drizzled on top of some delicious homemade peanut butter fudge. Nothing to see here.

Let's wrap this up with a couple of birdies who don't mind getting all posey for the camera. Are they having a bit of a birdie dispute? This photo was taken through our bedroom window, and that haziness that you see there is the reflection of our blinds that got in the way. I think it looks nice though!


  1. The fudge looks great, and the recipe certainly looks simple (bet I could still mess it up though!). If only I had coconut butter! I would coat it entirely in chocolate like a peanut butter cup I think. Can't wait to try it! :)
    Should we suggest marriage counselling for Mr and Mrs Sparrow? I hope they patch things up.

  2. I’d volunteer to be the mediator in that counselling session! She looks grumpy. He looks like he’s not budging (oh, the pun had they been budgies!). It’s going to take several sessions to help these two, I think.

    If you can find unsweetened coconut flakes you can make your own coconut butter using a food processor! That’s what I do, because coconut butter is way too expensive and coconut flakes are not. And then the coconut will be creamy and blended and it won’t resemble you-know-what anymore! :D

  3. Delicious fudge + pretty birds = awesome blog comeback :D Hope you keep feeling better!

  4. Thanks, Liz! I think I am ready to resume my regular blogging schedule now :)

  5. Peanut Butter Fudge? Yes pelase! I love how fast and easy this sounds, I always think of fudge as being super difficult.

  6. Me too! I've only tried to make proper fudge twice (or maybe three times?) and it was always an epic disaster. And the sticky mess to clean up was even worse! This one is super easy - fudge for dummies! :D

  7. Both profile pictures are great, the pops of color and tone in this one are nice. The wild hearts of spring, is their nest building lacking spark? In my neck of the woods the amphibians have been taking over the nighttime airwaves. It sounds like millions by the pond! Peanut butter and that bit of sweetness from the coconut is a favorite of mine :)

  8. Coconut butter is ridiculously expensive! So thank you for that tip, I will try making my own :)

  9. Thanks, Lysette! Maybe the birds can't agree on a paint color for their bedroom? The amphibians are serenading you! How thoughtful of them. We have not heard them here yet, but soon enough we're going to start hearing our spring cricket in the bedroom walls. Every year a pesky cricket finds its way in there and serenades us all night. Fun times.

  10. I know! My grocery store wants 12 bucks for a little jar of coconut butter. LOLNOPE!

  11. OK, I can't eat these because the coconut butter would kill me dead. DEAD I SAY! However, I do like that it doesn't have a bucket-load of icing sugar like most fudge recipes do, because that makes them just way too sweet for me to deal with. The moral of this story is I might just mix some maple syrup into some peanut butter and eat it with a spoon over in the corner while everyone else is eating their fudge. ;)

    I LOVE the profile picture! It was the first thing I noticed. Though I really liked the other one as well.

  12. I wonder if it might work with vegan butter? Mebbeh? Mebbeh not? Mixing maple syrup into some peanut butter and eating it with a spoon is a pretty good consolation prize if you can't have the coconutty fudge! :)

    Thanks! I'm glad you like. I'm so fickle with my profile photos, but I think I will keep this one for a while.

  13. This fudge looks incredible. I can't believe how few ingredients are involved. And I love the new profile pic. IMHO every profile pic needs an adorable dog or cat. Words to live by.

  14. Furry things make everything better! I just felt like doofus standing there by myself before, now I have a doofus buddy to keep me company :)


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