Steamed Potato Salad with Savory Roasted Chickpeas

"Po-tay-toes! Boil'em, mash'em, stick'em in a stew." Don't you love 'taters?

I'm not a religious person, but if there is a god that created all things, then I would like to take a moment to thank him/her/them for the Yukon gold potato, the cocoa bean, and corgi butts. Well done!

This is a very simple potato salad. It's not adventurous or flashy. It's a "supporting actor", with your barbecue veggie burgers, or vegan ribs, or dogs being the leading role. Buttery Yukon gold potatoes and dill go so well together that I don't want to ruin their bromance by throwing in stronger third-wheel flavors. If Yukon golds aren't available in your area, then any waxy, buttery potato will do. As long as it's not a russet or another starchier potato variety you'll be all set.

Steamed Potato Salad with Savory Roasted Chickpeas

Recipe Type: Sides

Cuisine: Vegan, Gluten-Free

Author: Wing It Vegan

Prep time:

Cook time:

Total time:

Serves: 2 servings


For the chickpeas:
1 tbsp olive oil
3/4 cup canned chickpeas, drained and patted dry with a paper towel
salt and black pepper to taste
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
For the rest of the salad:
2 medium sized Yukon gold potatoes or other buttery potato, cubed
1 large carrot, sliced
1/2 cup frozen peas
3-5 tbsp vegan mayo
1-2 tbsp warm chicken-free broth or water
1 tbsp fresh dill, finely chopped or 1 tsp dry dill
salt and black pepper to taste

What To Do:

For the chickpeas:

  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

  2. Drizzle a small, rimmed metal baking sheet with the olive oil, transfer the chickpeas to it and give them a good shake to coat them with the oil. If you're doubling the recipe go for a large baking sheet to keep the chickpeas from crowding and steaming instead of roasting.

  3. Lightly sprinkle the chickpeas with salt and black pepper and bake for 15 minutes. Give them a good shake and roast for an extra ten minutes.

  4. When the chickpeas are nearly done, evenly sprinkle the onion powder and garlic powder all over them and give them a good shake.

  5. Bake them for an extra two or three minutes, remove from the oven and give one a taste after they've cooled down for a moment. Adjust the salt and pepper and try not to eat them all before the rest of the salad is done. Good luck!

For the rest of the salad:

  1. Prepare a steamer and arrange the cubed potatoes and sliced carrots on it so that they aren't touching. The carrots can turn the potatoes orange if they steam together. Sprinkle a little bit of salt all over the potatoes and carrots.

  2. Steam for 15 to 20 minutes, depending on how big or small you cubed your potatoes and sliced your carrots.

  3. Ten minutes into the steaming time, throw in the peas and steam for five more minutes.

  4. Use a sharp knife to check for doneness. The potatoes and the carrots should be tender and the peas should be heated through, but they should be steamed until they are JUST done because we don't want those lovely potatoes to disintegrate when we're tossing them in the mayo dressing. Keep an eye on them!

  5. Transfer the potatoes, carrots, and peas to a serving bowl, throw in most of the roasted chickpeas, and prepare the mayo.*

  6. In a small mixing bowl combine the mayo, broth or water, and dill. Mix well and give it a taste. Add salt and black pepper to taste.

  7. Pour the mayo dressing all over the salad and gently toss with a serving spoon until everything is evenly coated. Throw the remaining chickpeas on top of the salad for prettiness.

  8. Serve warm or let it cool down to room temperature.


If you're serving it warm, you can mix in the chickpeas right away. If you're going to let it cool down, stir in the chickpeas just before serving the salad so the chickpeas keep their crunchiness.[br][br]I prefer my carrots super tender, but if you like a good carrot crunch you can check them a few minutes into the steaming time and remove them from the steamer when you're happy with them.[br][br]The amount of liquid that you will need to make the mayo workable depends on the brand of mayo that you use. I use Just Mayo which is quite thick, but if you have a runny mayo you may only need to add a splash of liquid or maybe even none at all.

Open up! Here comes the... massive freight aircraft!

Spring is slowly springing here and our plants are starting to show some signs of life again. Here are a few photos as evidence. I will spare you any graphic photos of our ducks who are also "getting ready for spring," if you catch my drift. The ducks have been "busy." Let's just say that we're going to have lots of baby ducks running around soon, hmm? Wink wink!


  1. Holy hell that looks amazing. Potaytosss are my fave food group!

  2. We should totally put that on a T-shirt! Potaytosss are my fave food group! :D

  3. Love potatoes, love chickpeas, and I ESPECIALLY love your gorgeous photos that highlights the arrival of spring. It's a slow arrival, but much welcomed :D

  4. Spring is springing! I like winter, but I was ready for it to end this year. Bring on the hummingbirds! :)

  5. Oh yum, I certainly do love taters and this looks like a perfect potato salad. When I visited Dublin a couple of years ago I had a creamy potato salad with toasted hazelnuts at a veggie cafe and it was ridiculously delicious.

  6. Potato salad with toasted hazelnuts does sound ridiculously delicious! Hazelnuts make anything better, really.

  7. In my opinion, right up there with potatoes are chickpeas — you've got the top two contenders sharing the love. The giant photos really make a point, don't they? I might have to scurry into the kitchen and cube some potatoes.

  8. It's a win-win then! The massive pictures are no joke, are they? The blog theme that I bought requires 680 pixels wide images or else they look all fuzzy and blurry. The bowl that I used for the potato salad is almost as big as it looks in the pictures!

  9. Potatoes are the very best! I love them so much. Everything is better with potatoes. Potatoes = life.
    Oh, but sweet, sweet River. 1 tablespoon of fresh dill? That's so cute. More like at least half a cup worth!! Though I am a dill fiend, I can never get enough. GIVE ME ALL OF THE DILL!
    I wish the ducks well with their sexy times, may there be many adorable ducklings for you to photograph and share with us!

  10. EAT ALL THE DILL! I really am a seasoning lightweight. I always need to cut down on whatever spices or herbs a recipe may call for because my taste buds FREAK OUT! Except for vanilla extract. Always quadruple the vanilla! :D

    Mr. Wing-It and I both LOLed at your sexy times wishes for the ducks. How very kind of you to wish them well! As soon as those little ducklings are out and about I am going to follow them around constantly, camera in hand of course. They're so fluffy!!

  11. I went through a dark period -a few years in fact- where I completely avoided nightshade vegetables thinking they were the source of digestive issues -which they weren't. But I have seen the light, a love affair with potatoes and so many varieties! Glad spring is arriving in your parts, keeping those ducklings busy too ;)

  12. That sounds like a proper ordeal! No potatoes? The horror! And you had to live potatoless for years only to find out that you could have been eating them all along? You are made of strong stuff, Lysette. I would have lost my mind!

  13. […] Steamed Potato Salad with Savory Roasted Chickpeas […]

  14. […] Kartoffel”salat” – mir ist es nicht gelungen vegane Mayo herzustellen, also musste ich ohne leben, beim nächsten Mal kauf ich welche ;) […]


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