Don't Fling the Beet! (Beet Burgers)

The word "beet" always reminds me of the word "beat", which always reminds me of Gloria Estefan, and then a short little dance party always ensues - every time I'm cooking with beets. You're lucky you can't see me "dancing" right now! Feel the beat, don't fling the beet! What to do with a sad little forgotten leftover beet that lurks in the back of the fridge for days? (after the dance party is over, of course)

Sad Beet
Sad beet is sad. Also kind of creepy.

PPK Beet Burger
One Trick Pony recreates the same photo taken in October.

PPK Beet Burger! I know, I know. I have blogged about these so many times, but they are so tasty they deserve all the attention! Besides, this time I took so many shortcuts that they came together in four or minutes (plus cooking time) which makes them worthy of another mention. Right? Right! There was some cooked brown rice in the fridge, along with the little precooked beet, and what was left of a can of lentils that I had used to make an individual cottage pie a few days ago. All I had to do was mix it all together, add the seasonings and cook'em! I was a bit worried that the cooked beet was going to make the patty a bit too soft, but it was still perfect. One small cooked beet was enough to make one burger.

If you're wondering about the cheese, it's a Galaxy Nutritional Foods Rice Vegan slice. The bun is Megan's Newfoundland White Bread, a recipe that never lets me down (blogged here). The pickles are there for show because I do not like pickles. They taste good, but the crunchiness just feels weird in a burger. Maybe I'm the one who's weird?


Today I will leave you with one of our backyard residents, though it's not a duck this time. Say hello to Mr. Bluebird McFloofy! Happy weekend!

Fluffy Bluebird


  1. I can't think of a better use for beets! Looks delish. And such a pretty bird. :)

    Also can't believe I haven't seen the new photo yet--I usually read through the reader and it doesn't come up there. Gorgeous!

    1. Thanks, Ricki! I can't believe I still haven't freaked out and taken it down! :D

      Isn't he a pretty little bird? So fluffy!

  2. ALL the beets that come to our house always end up at the back of the fridge — uncooked and unloved. So sad. I really want a beet burger but I have to use a beet to get one. Maybe I will. Maybe I will. Yes, I think I will.

    1. Poor beets! I really hope you can bring yourself to make the beet burgers and that you will love them as much as I do! Even if you only love them half as much as I do - that's still a lot of lovin'! :)

  3. I still need to make these. I'm kind of embarrassed, but would you believe that I didn't know until just now that you can buy lentils in a can?!?! Yeah...

    Wait. You don't like pickles?!?!

    1. Fresh lentils are the best, but I can't say no to a quick and easy can of lentils. Nope, I do not like pickles. They taste good, but I don't like the crunchiness. Weeeird.

  4. I don't buy beets anymore because they always end up sad and wrinkled. I really should make that burger recipe to change it.

    1. I've been there with the wrinkly old beets! If we could buy one at a time it would be better, but it's hard to go through a whole bunch before they get a bit too old.


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