The Fluffiest Bread in the History of Bread Making!

Gluten-Free people - avert your eyes! I teased all yesterday when I showed you the most perfectly fluffy slider buns but didn't tell you what recipe I had used. Evil! The recipe wasn't really for slider buns - or buns at all. It was Megan's lighter than air Homemade Newfoundland White Bread!

So fluffy!

I don't usually eat white flour, but when I do, I make sure it's worth the sprurge! You can't beat Megan's bread! It's so unbelievably soft and fluffy and light and perfect and *sigh*

Newfoundland White Bread
Beautiful golden tops!

Instead of big loaves I made tiny little buns in a small metal baking dish. I halved the recipe, which gave me eight little buns. These buns were small but very tall! That's how much the dough rises and therefore how fluffy the bread gets. I had to cut the buns into thirds to make the sliders! So awesome! Go check out the recipe and make yourself some fluffiness! Thank you for sharing, Megan!

Today's entertainment recommendation is actually a youtube video! Do you subscribe to the Pixiwoo sister's channel? I've been following these beautiful ladies for years and I love them! Sam and Nic are professional makeup artists and they regularly do a wide variety of tutorials - everything from simple no-make-up make up looks to full on fancy-pants fashion make up. And of course, Halloween make up! This is Sam's tutorial for the character "Miss Argentina" from the movie Beetlejuice. Awesome!

And finally today's duck friend is actually a goose:

Stalkery Santa Goose sees you when you're sleeping.


  1. It's like that goose is saying--hey you, stop making pillows with my feathers!! Super cute. And stalkery. Hmm.

    And holy fluff-tastic breadness!! I can only imagine how incredible that must be warm with Earth Balance slathered all over. Mmmm.

    1. Ha! I think that's exactly what the goose is saying, Jes! The bread is amazing with obscene amounts of Earth Balance on it!

  2. That goose is thinking something that doesn't have your best interests at heart. Hope you were using a long lens. :)

    1. I was a few feet away from him, but I could feel his evil intentions from a distance! :D

  3. I was just trying to figure out what breads I should try and make and then I found this post. I will be making that soon it looks fantastic.

    1. Definitely try this one! It's the best white bread I've ever made!

  4. holy cow, that looks SO FREAKING GOOD. I love bread most of all in the whole world. I want to dance around on its fluffy goodness and stuff it in my mouth all at the same time. Those pictures are truly glorious.

    1. That's how I feel about this bread! Let's dance together!

  5. That bread really does look amazing!

    I LOVE the Pixiwoo girls. I watch all their videos and they're great. I've learnt loads from them.

    1. They are so awesome! And they are both cool in their own unique ways, so I could never choose a favorite pixi. Love them!

  6. I saw that recipe and bookmarked it. Good to hear you liked it. But Megan's recipes usually look like real winners.

  7. I used one of Pixiwoo's tutorials for my Halloween make-up last year, they’re so freakin’ talented! I loved the one for the corpse bride.

    Thanks trying out the bread recipe, and I’m glad it turned out for you! Never thought to make it into buns, must try that. How long did you bake them?

    1. That is one of my favorite tutorials! So creepy! That must have been one super cool costume.

      Excellent question. How long did I bake them? Hmm. I'm gonna say 14 minutes. I think. I just kept an eye on them after 12 minutes and removed them from the oven when I was satisfied with their golden little tops.

  8. Replies
    1. I hope you love it too! I'm sure you will, because it's perfect!


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